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  • Este tópico contém 10 respostas, 2 vozes e foi atualizado pela última vez 7 anos, 10 meses atrás por costa castelo.
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  • #108681
    costa castelo

      Boa tarde
      Alguem me poderia dar uma ajuda na resolucao do download Sql developer? Ja fiz varias vezes o download da pagina oracle brasil e no final da instalacão fica sempre em ingles. Alguem me sabe informar como resolver esta questao ou se terá algum link que me possa enviar para poder instalar a versao em portugues pq da pagina oracle brasil fica sempre em ingles.

      Sergio Willians

        Bom dia @costa castelo !

        Dê uma lida nesse link:


        Nele mostra como alterar o idioma padrão. Troque onde está en por pt-br no Duser-language.

        Uma pergunta: Por que quer mudar para PT-BR ? Geralmente se faz o contrário, se muda para inglês.
        A maioria dos materiais que se encontra na internet é em inglês, e inglês é a língua universal do profissional de TI. Se não a domina, sugiro que faça um curso urgente. Existem inclusive opções gratuitas de aprendizagem de idiomas (como o duolingo).
        Isso ajudará em muito no crescimento da sua carreira.

        costa castelo

          boa noite Sergio não consegui colocar em Portugues embora no link que me passou esteja “en” coloquei “pt” mas não mudificou nada

          Sergio Willians

            @costa castelo
            Não é pt, e sim pt-br

            Se mesmo assim não funcionar, delete a linha inteira onde está Duser-language=en

            Não esqueça que após fazer a alteração do arquivo, você precisa reiniciar o SQL Developer.

            costa castelo

              ok Sergio mt obg. Vou fazer o procedimento depois dou retorno.

              costa castelo

                Sergio boa noite fiz td o que me sugeriu e continua igual. será que o sergio nao tem o ficheiro ou um link que coloque em pt-br?

                Sergio Willians

                  @costa castelo

                  Anexe o arquivo ide.conf aqui no post para eu dar uma olhada.

                  costa castelo

                    ok sergio mt obg. Segue em anexo.

                    # ide.conf – IDE configuration file for Oracle FCP IDE.
                    # Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                    # Relative paths are resolved against the parent directory of this file.
                    # The format of this file is:
                    # “Directive Value” (with one or more spaces and/or tab characters
                    # between the directive and the value) This file can be in either UNIX
                    # or DOS format for end of line terminators. Any path seperators must be
                    # UNIX style forward slashes ‘/’, even on Windows.
                    # This configuration file is not intended to be modified by the user. Doing so
                    # may cause the product to become unstable or unusable. If options need to be
                    # modified or added, the user may do so by modifying the custom configuration files
                    # located in the user’s home directory. The location of these files is dependent
                    # on the product name and host platform, but may be found according to the
                    # following guidelines:
                    # Windows Platforms:
                    # The location of user/product files are often configured during installation,
                    # but may be found in:
                    # %APPDATA%product.conf
                    # %APPDATA%jdev.conf
                    # Unix/Linux/Mac/Solaris:
                    # $HOME/.//product.conf
                    # $HOME/.//jdev.conf
                    # In particular, the directives to set the initial and maximum Java memory
                    # and the SetJavaHome directive to specify the JDK location can be overridden
                    # in that file instead of modifying this file.

                    IncludeConfFile ../../ide/bin/jdk.conf

                    AddJavaLibFile ../../ide/lib/ide-boot.jar

                    # All required Netbeans jars for running Netbinox
                    AddJavaLibFile ../../netbeans/platform/lib/boot.jar
                    AddJavaLibFile ../../netbeans/platform/lib/org-openide-util-ui.jar
                    AddJavaLibFile ../../netbeans/platform/lib/org-openide-util.jar
                    AddJavaLibFile ../../netbeans/platform/lib/org-openide-util-lookup.jar
                    AddJavaLibFile ../../netbeans/platform/lib/org-openide-modules.jar

                    # Oracle IDE boot jar
                    AddJavaLibFile ../../ide/lib/fcpboot.jar
                    SetMainClass oracle.ide.osgi.boot.OracleIdeLauncher

                    # System properties expected by the Netbinox-Oracle IDE bridge AddVMOption -Duser.language=pt-br
                    AddVMOption -Dnetbeans.home=../../netbeans/platform/
                    AddVMOption -Dnetbeans.logger.console=true
                    AddVMOption -Dexcluded.modules=org.eclipse.osgi
                    AddVMOption -Dide.cluster.dirs=../../netbeans/fcpbridge/:../../netbeans/ide/:../../netbeans/../

                    # Turn off verifications since the included classes are already verified
                    # by the compiler. This will reduce startup time significantly. On
                    # some Linux Systems, using -Xverify:none will cause a SIGABRT, if you
                    # get this, try removing this option.
                    AddVMOption -Xverify:none

                    # With OSGI, the LAZY (ondemand) extension loading mode is the default,
                    # to turn it off, use any other words, ie EAGER
                    AddVMOption -Doracle.ide.extension.HooksProcessingMode=LAZY

                    # Other OSGi configuration options for locating bundles and boot delegation.
                    AddVMOption -Dorg.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.configUrl=file:bundles.info
                    AddVMOption -Dosgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel=1
                    AddVMOption -Dosgi.configuration.cascaded=false
                    AddVMOption -Dosgi.noShutdown=true
                    AddVMOption -Dorg.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=*
                    AddVMOption -Dosgi.parentClassloader=app
                    AddVMOption -Dosgi.locking=none
                    AddVMOption -Dosgi.contextClassLoaderParent=app

                    # Needed for PL/SQL debugging
                    AddVMOption -Xbootclasspath/p:../../rdbms/jlib/ojdi.jar

                    # Needed to avoid possible deadlocks due to Eclipse bug 121737, which in turn is tied to Sun bug 4670071
                    AddVMOption -Dosgi.classloader.type=parallel

                    # Needed for performance as the default bundle file limit is 100
                    AddVMOption -Dosgi.bundlefile.limit=500

                    # Controls the allowed number of IDE processes. Default is 10, so if a higher limit is needed, uncomment this
                    # and set to the new limit. The limit can be any positive integer; setting it to 0 or a negative integer will
                    # result in setting the limit back to 10.
                    # AddVMOption -Doracle.ide.maxNumberOfProcesses=10

                    # Configure location of feedback server (Oracle internal use only)
                    AddVMOption -Dide.feedback-server=ide.us.oracle.com

                    # For the transformation factory we take a slightly different tack as we need to be able to
                    # switch the transformation factory in certain cases
                    AddJavaLibFile ../../ide/lib/xml-factory.jar
                    AddVMOption -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=oracle.ide.xml.switchable.SwitchableTransformerFactory

                    # Override the JDK or XDK XML Transformer used by the SwitchableTransformerFactory
                    # AddVMOption -Doracle.ide.xml.SwitchableTransformer.jdk=…

                    # Pull parser configurations
                    AddJavaLibFile ../../ide/lib/woodstox-core-asl-4.2.0.jar
                    AddJavaLibFile ../../ide/lib/stax2-api-3.1.1.jar
                    AddVMOption -Djavax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory=com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxInputFactory
                    AddVMOption -Djavax.xml.stream.util.XMLEventAllocator=oracle.ideimpl.xml.stream.XMLEventAllocatorImpl

                    # Enable logging of violations of Swings single threaded rule. Valid arguments: bug,console
                    # Exceptions to the rule (not common) can be added to the exceptions file
                    AddVMOption -Doracle.ide.reportEDTViolations=bug
                    AddVMOption -Doracle.ide.reportEDTViolations.exceptionsfile=./swing-thread-violations.conf

                    # Set the default memory options for the Java VM which apply to both 32 and 64-bit VM’s.
                    # These values can be overridden in the user .conf file, see the comment at the top of this file.
                    AddVMOption -Xms128M
                    AddVMOption -Xmx800M

                    # This option controls the log level at which we must halt execution on
                    # start-up. It can be set to either a string, like ‘SEVERE’ or ‘WARNING’,
                    # or an integer equivalent of the desired log level.
                    # AddVMOption -Doracle.ide.extension.InterruptibleExecutionLogHandler.interruptLogLevel=OFF

                    # This define keeps track of command line options that are handled by the IDE itself.
                    # For options that take arguments (-option:), add the fixed prefix of
                    # the the option, e.g. -role:.
                    AddVMOption -Doracle.ide.IdeFrameworkCommandLineOptions=-clean,-console,-debugmode,-migrate,-migrate:,-nomigrate,-nonag,-nondebugmode,-noreopen,-nosplash,-role:,-su

                    Sergio Willians

                      @costa castelo

                      Preste atenção nessa parte do arquivo que você colocou aqui:

                      # System properties expected by the Netbinox-Oracle IDE bridge AddVMOption -Duser.language=pt-br
                      AddVMOption -Dnetbeans.home=../../netbeans/platform/
                      AddVMOption -Dnetbeans.logger.console=true
                      AddVMOption -Dexcluded.modules=org.eclipse.osgi
                      AddVMOption -Dide.cluster.dirs=../../netbeans/fcpbridge/:../../netbeans/ide/:../../netbeans/../

                      Veja que você colocou o AddVMOption -Duser.language=pt-br na mesma linha do comentário, fazendo com que se tornasse parte dele. Fiz um teste aqui e o correto é:

                      # System properties expected by the Netbinox-Oracle IDE bridge
                      [b]AddVMOption -Duser.language=pt
                      AddVMOption -Duser.country=BR[/b]
                      AddVMOption -Dnetbeans.home=../../netbeans/platform/
                      AddVMOption -Dnetbeans.logger.console=true
                      AddVMOption -Dexcluded.modules=org.eclipse.osgi
                      AddVMOption -Dide.cluster.dirs=../../netbeans/fcpbridge/:../../netbeans/ide/:../../netbeans/../

                      Copie o trecho acima e substitua no seu arquivo. Faça o teste que agora deve funcionar.

                      costa castelo

                        Ok sergio agradecido. Vou testar e em função do resultado informo.obg

                        costa castelo

                          Sergio bom dia . Quero agradecer a sua colaboração. Deu tudo certo muito obg

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