Pesquisei aqui cara, encontrei no blog do tomkyte.. segundo ele nao dá…sem ter que escrever alguma emnjambracao em C, Java, etc…
In Oracle8i, releases 8.0 and up, you should not be using LONG RAW. Both LONG and LONG
RAW are only provided for backwards compatibility — they are deprecated datatypes.
You should be using blob — then its as easy as above (create table as select). LONGS
and LONG RAWS come with many many limits (no use in WHERE clause, no insert into select
LONG, no create table as SELECT, no chance of manipulation in PLSQL — only in 3gls, no
replication, etc, etc, etc). BLOBS and CLOBS do not suffer from these limits.
To copy a long raw into another table without writing a program in C or VB or Java or
some other 3gl you can:
o export the table (emp in your example)
o rename the table emp to using the RENAME command
o import the export you just created
To merge them (say you wanted to take the table EMP and the table NAME and have EMP have
all of the records at the end) you would:
o export that table NAME
o drop table NAME
o rename EMP to NAME
o import with ignore=y to add the rows to NAME
o rename NAME to EMP
remember to set BUFFER really large for the export and import to avoid issues with exp
and imp and large columns.
With LONGS (not LONG RAWS) you can use the sqlplus copy command as well, see
for details. … 8223421081