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  • #74076

      Estou tendo problemas para as chamadas dos relat?rios via browser.
      Usando a built-in web.show_document, n?o tive problemas e o relat?rio rodou normalmente inclusive usando o alias repSRV para o Reports Server. No entanto, usando RUN_REPORT_OBJECT e configurando para este mesmo servidor (repSRV) ocorre o erro FRM-41213.
      A entrada no tnsnames.ora para este servidor est? correta, n?o estou usando n?meros nem underscore no nome do servidor, j? baixei e reiniciei o Reports Server e o erro continua a aparecer.
      Nos testes que estou fazendo, uso o mesmo forms para chamar o mesmo relat?rio passando o mesmo par?metro e chamando das duas formas poss?veis, usando as mesmas configura??es para o mesmo Reports Server (repSRV).
      Al?m das tentativas acima, h? mais algum teste ou vari?vel que eu tenha que configurar?

      Quem souber de alguma “coisa” que possa me ajudar…


        [ quote=”Anonymous”]Estou having problems for the calls of the reports saw to browser. Using built-in web.show_document, I did not have problems and the report twirled also using unites it normally repSRV for the Reports Server. However, using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT and configuring for this exactly serving (repSRV) the Frm-41213 error occurs. The entrance in the tnsnames.ora for this server is correct, is not using numbers nor underscore in the name of the server, already I lowered and I restarted the Reports Server and the error continues to appear. In the tests that I am making, use the same forms to call the same report passing the same parameter and calling the two possible forms, using the same configurations for the same Reports Server (repSRV). Beyond the attempts above, it has plus some test or 0 variable that I have that to configure? Who to know of some “thing” that can help… [/quote ] me

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