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Atualizando seu Oracle RAC para com aumento de FileSystem – PARTE II

Atualizando seu Oracle RAC para com aumento de FileSystem – PARTE I I

Olá Pessoal,

Desculpe a demora em escrever essa segunda parte do nosso artigo, mas ultimamente os dias estava meio corrido para mim e meu amigo David Siqueira. Bem vamos para o que nós interessa que é o upgrade do Oracle RAC  11g R2, primeiro vamos para um breve overview sobre os patches disponíveis para o Oracle Database.

Os produtos Oracle contém diferentes tipos de patches disponíveis, os principais são, patchset o qual  é instalado com utilitário OUI(Oracle Universal Installer), e tem a convenção de nomenclatura ex:, e e a partir da release, os conjuntos de patch são fornecidos em pacotes de instalações completas do Oracle Database, suportando atualizações out-of-place.

Outro patch disponível é o Merge Label Request (MLR), contendo a combinação de duas ou mais correções, e é instalado com utilitário OPatch  o MLR requer a criação de um rótulo para um novo conjunto de códigos resultante da fusão em um Patch Set Exeption.

Patch Set Update, é um patch cumulativo que contém correções de bugs recomendado e divulgados em uma programação trimestral. É instalado com o utilitário OPatch, o grid PSUs muitas vezes contém  o Database PSU na mesma versão.

E por último vamos para Critical Patch Update (CPU) contém correções relacionadas a segurança é divulgado trimestralmente.

O primeiro passo para atualização do Oracle RAC para é aplicar o patch  (PSU) 12539000 no mínimo, esse patch  irá corrigir o bug Rolling upgrade problem with ASM de acordo com a nota 12539000.8 localizada no MY ORACLE SUPPORT ( MOS ).  Ao escrever esse artigo já estava disponivel o patch 17272753 para o grid infrastructure, para mais informações leia a seguinte nota publicada no My Oracle Support  Patch Patch Set – Availability and Known Issues (Doc ID 1179474.1).

Para atualização do meu RAC eu apliquei o patch 16742320 do grid infrastructure que foi disponibilizado no mês de julho, esse patch já estava disponivel na minha máquina ha algum tempo. Um procedimento muito importante é ler o README.txt dos patches que deveram ser aplicados.

Para aplicar o patch no grid infrastructure, iremos atualizar o utilitário OPacth de acordo com a nota da Oracle How To Download And Install The Latest OPatch Version (Doc ID 274526.1).


Devemos fazer o download no site My Oracle Support e baixar o patch 6880880, transferir para o /u01/11.2.0/grid e descompactar o arquivo zip. Esse passo de atualização do utilitário OPatch é recomendado para não termos dores de cabeça ou  problemas no momento de aplicarmos os patches no grid ou database.

[grid@ora-rac01 ~]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/11.2.0/grid

[grid@ora-rac01 ~]$ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch

[grid@ora-rac01 grid]$ opatch version

Invoking OPatch

OPatch Version:

OPatch succeeded.

[grid@ora-rac01 grid]$ pwd


[grid@ora-rac01 grid]$ unzip p6880880_112000_LINUX.zip 

Archive:  p6880880_112000_LINUX.zip

creating: OPatch/oplan/

inflating: OPatch/oplan/README.html  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/README.txt  

creating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/oplan.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/oracle.oplan.classpath.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/automation.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/OsysModel.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/EMrepoDrivers.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/Validation.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/ValidationRules.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/osysmodel-utils.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/patchsdk.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/CRSProductDriver.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/JMXDrivers.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/OuiDriver.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/bundle.jar  

creating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/apache-commons/

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/apache-commons/commons-cli-1.0.jar  

creating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/jaxb/

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/jaxb/activation.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/jaxb/jaxb-api.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/jaxb/jaxb-impl.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/jlib/jaxb/jsr173_1.0_api.jar  

inflating: OPatch/oplan/oplan      

inflating: OPatch/oplan/oplan.bat  

replace OPatch/docs/FAQ? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: A

inflating: OPatch/docs/FAQ         

inflating: OPatch/docs/Users_Guide.txt  

inflating: OPatch/docs/Prereq_Users_Guide.txt  

creating: OPatch/jlib/fa/

inflating: OPatch/jlib/fa/oracle.opatch.fa.classpath.jar  

inflating: OPatch/jlib/fa/oracle.opatch.fa.classpath.unix.jar  

inflating: OPatch/jlib/fa/oracle.opatch.fa.classpath.windows.jar  

inflating: OPatch/jlib/opatch.jar  

inflating: OPatch/jlib/opatchsdk.jar  

inflating: OPatch/jlib/oracle.opatch.classpath.jar  

inflating: OPatch/jlib/oracle.opatch.classpath.unix.jar  

inflating: OPatch/jlib/oracle.opatch.classpath.windows.jar  

inflating: OPatch/opatchprereqs/opatch/opatch_prereq.xml  

inflating: OPatch/opatchprereqs/opatch/rulemap.xml  

inflating: OPatch/opatchprereqs/opatch/runtime_prereq.xml  

inflating: OPatch/opatchprereqs/oui/knowledgesrc.xml  

inflating: OPatch/opatchprereqs/prerequisite.properties  

inflating: OPatch/crs/auto_patch.pl  

inflating: OPatch/crs/installPatch.excl  

inflating: OPatch/crs/patch112.pl  

inflating: OPatch/crs/patch11202.pl  

inflating: OPatch/crs/patch11203.pl  

inflating: OPatch/opatch           

inflating: OPatch/opatch.bat       

inflating: OPatch/opatch.pl        

inflating: OPatch/opatch.ini       

extracting: OPatch/version.txt      

inflating: OPatch/opatchdiag       

inflating: OPatch/opatchdiag.bat   

inflating: OPatch/emdpatch.pl      

inflating: OPatch/README.txt       

creating: OPatch/ocm/bin/

inflating: OPatch/ocm/bin/emocmrsp  

creating: OPatch/ocm/doc/

creating: OPatch/ocm/lib/

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/emocmclnt-14.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/emocmclnt.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/emocmcommon.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/http_client.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/jcert.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/jnet.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/jsse.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/log4j-core.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/osdt_core3.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/osdt_jce.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/regexp.jar  

inflating: OPatch/ocm/lib/xmlparserv2.jar  

extracting: OPatch/ocm/ocm.zip      

inflating: OPatch/ocm/ocm_platforms.txt  

[grid@ora-rac01 grid]$ 

[grid@ora-rac01 grid]$ opatch version

OPatch Version:

OPatch succeeded.

[grid@ora-rac01 grid]$

Em seguida no diretório $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/ocm/bin iremos criar o arquivo  ocm.rsp esse arquivo é solicitado no momento que iremos aplica o patch com o utilitário OPach.

[grid@ora-rac01 grid]$ cd OPatch/

[grid@ora-rac01 OPatch]$ cd ocm/bin/

[grid@ora-rac01 bin]$ ls


[grid@ora-rac01 bin]$ ./emocmrsp 

OCM Installation Response Generator - Production

Copyright (c) 2005, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Provide your email address to be informed of security issues, install and

initiate Oracle Configuration Manager. Easier for you if you use your My

Oracle Support Email address/User Name.

Visit http://www.oracle.com/support/policies.html for details.

Email address/User Name: thiagosilvadba@gmail.com

Provide your My Oracle Support password to receive security updates via your My Oracle Support account.

Password (optional):           

The OCM configuration response file (ocm.rsp) was successfully created.

[grid@ora-rac01 bin]$

Com utilitário OPatch iremos aplicar o patch para efetutar o upgrade do Oracle Rac, no diretório /u01/binarios/patch descompactei o arquivo zip que contém o patch que irá ser aplicado no grid Infrastructure, em seguida com OPatch passei os parâmetros auto e –och (Oracle Clusteware Home) para aplicar . Antes eu recomendo executar o comando crsctl stop crs no nó que será aplicado o patch, fazendo um de cada vez no RAC.

[grid@ora-rac01 patch]$ pwd


[grid@ora-rac01 patch]$ ls


[grid@ora-rac01 patch]$ unzip -t p16742320_112020_Linux-x86-64.zip

Com usuário root iremos exportar as váriaveis de ambiente e aplicar o patch.

[root@ora-rac01 ~]# export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/11.2.0/grid/

[root@ora-rac01 ~]# exportPATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch

[root@ora-rac01 patch]# opatch auto -och /u01/11.2.0/grid -olderver

Executing /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/bin/perl /u01/11.2.0/grid/OPatch/crs/patch11202.pl -patchdir /u01/binarios -patchn patch -och /u01/11.2.0/grid -paramfile /u01/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params

INC is /u01/binarios/patch/16459322/files/crs/install /u01/11.2.0/grid/crs/install /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib/5.10.0 /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0 /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib/5.10.0 /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0 /u01/11.2.0/grid/perl/lib/site_perl . 

opatch auto log file location is /u01/11.2.0/grid/OPatch/crs/../../cfgtoollogs/opatchauto2013-10-13_23-39-48.log

Detected Oracle Clusterware install

Using configuration parameter file: /u01/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params

OPatch  is bundled with OCM, Enter the absolute OCM response file path:


Successfully unlock /u01/11.2.0/grid

patch /u01/binarios/patch/16459322  apply successful for home  /u01/11.2.0/grid

patch /u01/binarios/patch/16619893  apply successful for home  /u01/11.2.0/grid

ACFS-9300: ADVM/ACFS distribution files found.

ACFS-9312: Existing ADVM/ACFS installation detected.

ACFS-9314: Removing previous ADVM/ACFS installation.

ACFS-9315: Previous ADVM/ACFS components successfully removed.

ACFS-9307: Installing requested ADVM/ACFS software.

ACFS-9308: Loading installed ADVM/ACFS drivers.

ACFS-9321: Creating udev for ADVM/ACFS.

ACFS-9323: Creating module dependencies - this may take some time.

ACFS-9327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.

ACFS-9309: ADVM/ACFS installation correctness verified.

CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.

[root@ora-rac01 patch]#

Após temos aplicado com sucesso o patch 16742320 no grid infrastructure, verifiquei o histórico de aplicação de patch com utilitário OPatch.

Obs: O patch deve ser aplicado em todos o nós do RAC, após esse passo podemos seguir para o upgrade do grid

[grid@ora-rac01 ~]$ opatch lsinventory

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version

Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /u01/11.2.0/grid

Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory

  from           : /u01/11.2.0/grid/oraInst.loc

OPatch version    :

OUI version       :

Log file location : /u01/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2013-10-14_00-02-30AM_1.log

Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2013-10-14_00-02-30AM.txt


Installed Top-level Products (1): 

Oracle Grid Infrastructure                                 

There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (2) :

Patch  16619893     : applied on Sun Oct 13 23:54:51 BRT 2013

Unique Patch ID:  16436553

Patch description:  "Database Patch Set Update : (16619893)"

  Created on 30 Jun 2013, 15:19:58 hrs PST8PDT

Sub-patch  16056267; "Database Patch Set Update : (16056267)"

Sub-patch  14727315; "Database Patch Set Update : (14727315)"

Sub-patch  14275621; "Database Patch Set Update : (14275621)"

Sub-patch  13923804; "Database Patch Set Update : (13923804)"

Sub-patch  13696224; "Database Patch Set Update : (13696224)"

  Bugs fixed:

    9679507, 10350832, 13561951, 16855975, 12753253, 13080778, 10114837

    10373381, 14461358, 10035737, 16742100, 12737666, 11076744, 11065646

    13769501, 12639234, 14472647, 10630870, 12586495, 12880299, 9715581

    10218814, 16303114, 9860769, 10332111, 15896431, 14263036, 10367188

    12830339, 13015379, 14263073, 9651350, 11683713, 12586489, 14107388

    10097711, 12950644, 10113990, 12370722, 12586491, 12899768, 9414040

    15896427, 14613900, 9373370, 11724916, 13769503, 9578670, 10399808

    10285022, 11877623, 10248523, 12586493, 9972680, 16855978, 10092858

    12546006, 12797765, 12586487, 11830777, 13769509, 10055063, 16279401

    16933953, 10648873, 10419984, 10077191, 11063191, 10371288, 10220033

    12797420, 11858315, 11061775, 9478199, 12649442, 12326708, 11708510

    9801919, 11734067, 10127360, 13737746, 10190642, 10396041, 10233732

    10396874, 10209232, 12595561, 12314102, 16855980, 11666137, 9956835

    10061015, 9672816, 11695416, 16344871, 9744252, 9778040, 9858539

    10620808, 11694127, 14841812, 11894889, 9382956, 10204358, 12713993

    10080579, 11738259, 12764337, 10084145, 14459552, 10363186, 12670165

    10324294, 14107384, 10158493, 10155605, 10013177, 13343424, 11686968

    10013431, 9913542, 14546575, 12586496, 11674485, 13476583, 9877980

    10126822, 10284570, 10329146, 10326338, 11064851, 15896429, 11063821

    12655433, 10314582, 10051315, 13147164, 12326246, 9868876, 10332589

    10368698, 13467683, 9724970, 12586486, 13769507, 11815753, 9905049

    10053725, 10229886, 12834027, 9869287, 9735237, 13377816, 9896536

    12846268, 12428791, 16175381, 12794305, 9912965, 10022980, 14546673

    13503598, 11695285, 12595730, 13399435, 10435074, 13343244, 14023636

    12371955, 12633340, 13257247, 10039731, 16014985, 11674898, 13769505

    16306019, 13146182, 9824435, 6892311, 11841309, 10031806, 12894807

    11076894, 10170431, 12748240, 9965655, 12323180, 12531263, 10219583

    12417369, 9539440, 12419331, 10622001, 10227288, 14107385, 11867127

    11814891, 10258337, 10228393, 9847634, 10621169, 8547978, 15896435

    10159846, 10142857, 10187168, 12579446, 10269503, 10395345, 12596444

    9564886, 16619893, 10372924, 10373013, 11785938, 10213073, 11827088

    12569482, 10302581, 10278372, 16303115, 14546638, 12397410, 9795214

    9707965, 9443361, 10210507, 10126094, 10073683, 10329257, 11811073

    10172453, 10230571, 12419321, 12656535, 16303117, 10312847, 9943960

    10052141, 12408350, 12594032, 13250244, 9903826, 11056082, 12409916

    10026601, 12420002, 8685446, 9401552, 8223165, 10094823, 12780098

    11716621, 12589039, 10228151, 14390377, 14841558, 10623249, 10356513

    12345717, 11057263, 11775474, 11856395, 11670161, 15896433, 11924400

    14841437, 10094201, 10138589, 16855977, 10378005, 9835264, 10115630

    10422126, 10021111, 14258925, 16855979, 11818335, 10281887, 11707302

    10140809, 10317487, 12586488, 13386082, 10151017, 9727147, 10322959

    11706168, 10245086, 14469008, 10205230, 10158965, 11937253, 11733179

    9829397, 10278773, 14107387, 11882425, 10419629, 12586494, 12337012

    6690853, 12848798, 10388660, 9788588, 10239480, 6523037, 9842573

    10417716, 12879027, 11883472, 12586492, 10200404, 10232083, 12685431

    16382448, 14275621, 9881076, 10157402, 9709292, 11830778, 9671271

    10207092, 14461357, 12586490, 11800170, 9683047, 12582664, 12391602

    10417216, 14262913, 10635701, 9869401, 10157249, 10131867, 13632725

    16694777, 9970255, 13468884, 14683459, 15896428, 11830776, 16279211

    10633840, 12976376, 11695333, 9149857, 10142909, 10200390, 13326736

    10237773, 16294412, 12366627, 7312717, 11664046, 10019218, 12569737

    13596521, 9233544, 16855976, 12842402, 14107389, 13001379, 13099577

    10222719, 9873405, 11834448, 9819805, 11872103, 10165083, 10193846

    13769502, 10285394, 12827726, 11715084, 9375300, 14040433, 11723722

    10264696, 10264680, 13769508, 11842991, 10362871, 12845115, 14473913

    9436324, 10358019, 10089333, 14741727, 14038791, 13550185, 13810393

    10175192, 8672862, 10207551, 9956713, 12639177, 11853815, 14461356

    10180307, 10048701, 12828071, 10079168, 12423475, 13923804, 9771278

    10356782, 14668670, 14127510, 13769506, 12615778, 10229719, 12340939

    9966609, 11651810, 12755116, 13616375, 14035825, 9078442, 10137324

    13769504, 10219576, 12378147, 10217802, 10142788, 10129643, 12539000

    12400751, 12539487, 11724984, 9735282, 13561750, 10040921, 9591812

    9906422, 10222544, 12401111, 9746210, 12917230, 9770451, 14220725

    10021022, 12846269, 10110863, 12579349, 11067567, 10411618, 13524899

    11699057, 10425676, 13916709, 12635537, 14076523, 15905421, 11707699

    9895207, 11890804, 10018789, 10299224, 14205448, 9926929, 11800854

    14273397, 11866952, 14467061, 10636231, 10384285, 11069199, 12710774

    11689702, 10324526, 10427260, 14624146, 13696224, 12543639, 11690639

    9285259, 10284838, 10082277, 9952554, 9470768, 15896430, 11785390

    10310299, 10412247, 12313857, 12431716, 10102506, 14107386, 12334286

    10238786, 10132870, 10247152, 16703112, 9953542, 14727315, 9572787

    15896434, 11800959, 16303118, 13769510, 10052956, 12374212, 10040531

    15896432, 9681133, 13809288, 10190172, 11878443, 10094416, 16303116

    10040035, 12620422, 13791364, 10171273, 16056267, 9786142, 11893621

    10249791, 16007562, 11788856, 11664719, 9748749, 13554409, 11889177

Patch  16459322     : applied on Sun Oct 13 23:47:07 BRT 2013

Unique Patch ID:  16181562

Patch description:  "Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update : (s)”

  Created on 4 Apr 2013, 03:23:00 hrs PST8PDT

  Bugs fixed:

    16459322, 13696242, 13653086, 12827731, 12419353, 10425672, 10157506

    9959110, 10272615, 10374874, 10314123, 10014392, 10057296, 10089120

    11692271, 9864003, 11775080, 9916145, 13635562, 12695202, 12593451

    10044622, 12767231, 10365625, 11705438, 9935308, 12399977, 12421404

    11882456, 12862012, 12340700, 11744343, 10056713, 10637741, 9939306

    9795321, 9902536, 10007185, 10376847, 11741224, 10038791, 10322157

    10048487, 11655840, 12823479, 11768599, 10028235, 10052721, 10260251

    10027079, 10357258, 12412303, 10231906, 10045436, 11871469, 11664015

    12722095, 10622973, 12311357, 11724464, 10029900, 10036834, 10072474

    9891341, 9974223, 10161846, 10016083, 12597463, 9918485, 11781515

    10040647, 11925641, 12345151, 12651595, 13332363, 10069541, 10029119

    12332919, 10233159, 12709476, 9812956, 10036193, 10015210, 12340501

    12424479, 10621175, 12556028, 9686152, 12605690, 11877079, 8906163

    10111010, 12366642, 11777648, 10104377, 10115514, 10121931, 10280665

    10057680, 10078086, 9944948, 10146768, 10011084, 10052529, 10012319

    13343447, 10233811, 10073075, 10299006, 12720728, 12426375, 10236074

    10248739, 10128191, 11071429, 10019726, 10253630, 9975837, 10178670

    10420872, 12615394, 9949676, 11936945, 11820787, 10637483, 13036424

    13396479, 10379703, 12677816, 10157622, 11698552, 10385838, 10053985

    12718811, 10229297, 10425674, 9812970, 11828633, 12538907, 11899801

    12359585, 10083789, 12728585, 10073372, 9876201, 9963327, 11077756

    10428946, 10375649, 12398492, 10062301, 11682409, 9336825, 12546712

    12767563, 10018215, 10419987, 10105195, 13355549, 10071992, 10634513

    11807012, 9926027, 10103954, 12743755, 10028343, 12406573, 11866171

    11768055, 12425730, 10065216, 9907089, 11744313, 10190153, 9897335

    10175855, 12600343, 10028637, 10284828, 12422324, 10361177, 9979706

    12800501, 12950415, 10015460, 10324594, 9971646, 11818524, 11654726

    11782423, 9978765, 11904778, 10398810, 10397652, 10110969, 10107380

    9915329, 13768473, 10305361, 10083009, 10331452, 10631693, 10048027

    10008467, 10040109, 9944978, 10033106, 10370797, 12700217, 9978195

    10042143, 11840629, 10284693, 10638381, 12639016, 11663339, 9679401

    11839004, 10075643, 14496536, 10057719, 9458055, 11834289, 10124517

    10205290, 12680491, 13334158, 11069614, 10165314, 9593552, 10168006

    12645334, 10241696, 9942881, 12724761, 10157625, 10216878, 10045316

    10061534, 10425675, 11789566, 10283549, 12700050, 12732899, 12433819

    12378675, 10113899, 13019958, 12614853, 9861790, 13396487, 10146744

    10326548, 9975343, 9936659, 10244210, 10029794, 12545774, 13025879

    13410987, 10268642, 13247273, 12862020, 12747467, 10283596, 12594736

    9867867, 11846686, 13255295, 10228079, 10015603, 10283058, 10252497

    9758286, 10283167, 13045518, 9906432, 12932852, 10150020, 10311856

    12421420, 13146653, 12681864, 13258062, 12810890, 12694821, 10069698

    13502441, 10056808, 10087118, 12433511, 10019796, 13768482, 10266447

    13446398, 10193581, 12318560, 11804097, 10070563, 11058691, 13637590

    13068077, 12591990

Rac system comprising of multiple nodes

 Local node = ora-rac01

 Remote node = ora-rac02


OPatch succeeded.

[grid@ora-rac01 ~]$ 

Bem agora o próximo passo, será executamos o utilitário cluster verify, esse passo é essencial para que nosso upgrade ocorra com sucesso.

[grid@ora-rac01 grid]$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -upgrade -n ora-rac01,ora-rac02 -rolling -src_crshome /u01/11.2.0/grid -dest_crshome /u01/app/ -dest_version

Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup 

Checking node reachability...

Node reachability check passed from node "ora-rac01"

Checking user equivalence...

User equivalence check passed for user "grid"

Checking CRS user consistency

CRS user consistency check successful

Checking node connectivity...

Checking hosts config file...

Verification of the hosts config file successful

Check: Node connectivity for interface "eth0"

Node connectivity passed for interface "eth0"

TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Check: Node connectivity for interface "eth1"

Node connectivity passed for interface "eth1"

TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Checking subnet mask consistency...

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed for subnet "".

Subnet mask consistency check passed.

Node connectivity check passed

Checking multicast communication...

Checking subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group ""...

Check of subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group "" passed.

Checking subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group ""...

Check of subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group "" passed.

Check of multicast communication passed.

Checking OCR integrity...

OCR integrity check passed

Checking ASMLib configuration.

Check for ASMLib configuration passed.

Total memory check passed

Available memory check passed

Swap space check passed

Free disk space check passed for "ora-rac02:/u01/app/"

Free disk space check passed for "ora-rac01:/u01/app/"

Free disk space check passed for "ora-rac02:/tmp"

Free disk space check passed for "ora-rac01:/tmp"

Check for multiple users with UID value 501 passed 

User existence check passed for "grid"

Group existence check passed for "oinstall"

Membership check for user "grid" in group "oinstall" [as Primary] passed

Run level check passed

Hard limits check passed for "maximum open file descriptors"

Soft limits check passed for "maximum open file descriptors"

Hard limits check passed for "maximum user processes"

Soft limits check passed for "maximum user processes"

Check for Oracle patch "12539000" in home "/u01/11.2.0/grid" passed

There are no oracle patches required for home "/u01/app/".

System architecture check passed

Kernel version check passed

Kernel parameter check passed for "semmsl"

Kernel parameter check passed for "semmns"

Kernel parameter check passed for "semopm"

Kernel parameter check passed for "semmni"

Kernel parameter check passed for "shmmax"

Kernel parameter check passed for "shmmni"

Kernel parameter check passed for "shmall"

Kernel parameter check passed for "file-max"

Kernel parameter check passed for "ip_local_port_range"

Kernel parameter check passed for "rmem_default"

Kernel parameter check passed for "rmem_max"

Kernel parameter check passed for "wmem_default"

Kernel parameter check passed for "wmem_max"

Kernel parameter check passed for "aio-max-nr"

Package existence check passed for "make"

Package existence check passed for "binutils"

Package existence check passed for "gcc(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "libaio(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "glibc(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "compat-libstdc++-33(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "elfutils-libelf(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "elfutils-libelf-devel"

Package existence check passed for "glibc-common"

Package existence check passed for "glibc-devel(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "glibc-headers"

Package existence check passed for "gcc-c++(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "libaio-devel(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "libgcc(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "libstdc++(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "libstdc++-devel(x86_64)"

Package existence check passed for "sysstat"

Package existence check passed for "ksh"

Check for multiple users with UID value 0 passed 

Current group ID check passed

Starting check for consistency of primary group of root user

Check for consistency of root user's primary group passed

Starting Clock synchronization checks using Network Time Protocol(NTP)...

NTP Configuration file check started...

No NTP Daemons or Services were found to be running

Clock synchronization check using Network Time Protocol(NTP) passed

Core file name pattern consistency check passed.

User "grid" is not part of "root" group. Check passed

Default user file creation mask check passed

Checking consistency of file "/etc/resolv.conf" across nodes

File "/etc/resolv.conf" does not have both domain and search entries defined

domain entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes

search entry in file "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes

The DNS response time for an unreachable node is within acceptable limit on all nodes

File "/etc/resolv.conf" is consistent across nodes

UDev attributes check for OCR locations started...

UDev attributes check passed for OCR locations 

UDev attributes check for Voting Disk locations started...

UDev attributes check passed for Voting Disk locations 

Time zone consistency check passed

Checking VIP configuration.

Checking VIP Subnet configuration.

Check for VIP Subnet configuration passed.

Checking VIP reachability

Check for VIP reachability passed.

Checking Oracle Cluster Voting Disk configuration...

ASM Running check passed. ASM is running on all specified nodes

Oracle Cluster Voting Disk configuration check passed

Clusterware version consistency passed

Pre-check for cluster services setup was successful on all the nodes.

Após temos executado com sucesso o cluster verify, iremos executar o utilitário runInstaller para fazer o upgrade do grid infrastructure, no diretório /u01/binarios/grid, executei o runInstaller.

[grid@ora-rac01 grid]$ ./runInstaller

Selecionamos a opção upgrade grid infrastructure.


Para o idioma, selecionei a opção Inglês.


O próximo passo automaticamente será selecionado os nós que faz parte do nosso cluster.


Selecionamos os grupos para administração do ASM.


Especificamos a home que será instalado o binário do grid.


Em seguida será verificado os pré-requisitos para instalação do grid infrastructure, como já executamos o cluster verify possivelmente todos os pré-requisitos estará com o status de succeeded.


Agora iremos aguardar o instalador  fazer os procedimentos de transferência de arquivos.


Ao terminar de copiar os arquivos binários para o servidores, será necessário executamos o script rootupgrade.sh, mas isso deverá aparecer esta janela.


Iremos executar o script no primeiro nó e apos o termino do script, será executado no segundo nó, vejamos.

[root@ora-rac01 grid]# ./rootupgrade.sh 

Performing root user operation for Oracle 11g 

The following environment variables are set as:


   ORACLE_HOME=  /u01/app/

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]: 

The contents of "dbhome" have not changed. No need to overwrite.

The contents of "oraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.

The contents of "coraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.

Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by

Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created

Finished running generic part of root script.

Now product-specific root actions will be performed.

Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/

Creating trace directory

User ignored Prerequisites during installation

ASM upgrade has started on first node.

CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crsd' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2790: Starting shutdown of Cluster Ready Services-managed resources on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.registry.acfs' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.dath.db' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.oc4j' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.LISTENER.lsnr' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.LISTENER.lsnr' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ora-rac01.vip' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ora-rac01.vip' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.registry.acfs' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.dath.db' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.DATA.dg' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.oc4j' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.DATA.dg' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ons' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ons' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.net1.network' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.net1.network' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2792: Shutdown of Cluster Ready Services-managed resources on 'ora-rac01' has completed

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crsd' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crf' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ctssd' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.evmd' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crf' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.evmd' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ctssd' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssd' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssd' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.diskmon' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'ora-rac01'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.diskmon' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'ora-rac01' succeeded

CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'ora-rac01' has completed

CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.

OLR initialization - successful

Replacing Clusterware entries in inittab

clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 5 detected.

clscfg: version 5 is 11g Release 2.

Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.

Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..

Operation successful.

Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded

Agora vamos executar o script no segundo nó.

[root@ora-rac02 grid]# ./rootupgrade.sh 

Performing root user operation for Oracle 11g 

The following environment variables are set as:


   ORACLE_HOME=  /u01/app/

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]: 

The contents of "dbhome" have not changed. No need to overwrite.

The contents of "oraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.

The contents of "coraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.

Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by

Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created

Finished running generic part of root script.

Now product-specific root actions will be performed.

Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/

Creating trace directory

User ignored Prerequisites during installation

ASM upgrade has started on first node.

CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crsd' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2790: Starting shutdown of Cluster Ready Services-managed resources on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.oc4j' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.LISTENER.lsnr' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.registry.acfs' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.dath.db' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.LISTENER.lsnr' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ora-rac02.vip' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.scan1.vip' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ora-rac02.vip' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.scan1.vip' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.registry.acfs' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.dath.db' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.DATA.dg' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.oc4j' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.DATA.dg' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ons' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ons' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.net1.network' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.net1.network' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2792: Shutdown of Cluster Ready Services-managed resources on 'ora-rac02' has completed

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crsd' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.mdnsd' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.crf' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.ctssd' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.evmd' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.asm' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.crf' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.evmd' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.mdnsd' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.ctssd' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.asm' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cluster_interconnect.haip' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.cssd' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.cssd' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gipcd' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.diskmon' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.drivers.acfs' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.diskmon' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gipcd' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.gpnpd' on 'ora-rac02'

CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.gpnpd' on 'ora-rac02' succeeded

CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'ora-rac02' has completed

CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.

OLR initialization - successful

Replacing Clusterware entries in inittab

clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 5 detected.

clscfg: version 5 is 11g Release 2.

Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.

Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..

Operation successful.

Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster ... succeeded

Upgrade finalizado, agora para evidenciar nosso upgrade verificamos a versão ativa do cluster.

[root@ora-rac01 ~]# ps -ef |grep css

root      3611     1  0 01:52 ?        00:00:00 /u01/app/

root      3630     1  0 01:52 ?        00:00:00 /u01/app/

grid      3642     1  0 01:52 ?        00:00:02 /u01/app/ 

root      5122  5015  0 01:57 pts/1    00:00:00 grep css

[root@ora-rac01 ~]# crsctl query crs activeversion

Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []

[root@ora-rac01 ~]# crsctl query crs releaseversion

Oracle High Availability Services release version on the local node is []

[root@ora-rac01 ~]# crsctl query crs softwareversion

Oracle Clusterware version on node [ora-rac01] is []

[root@ora-rac01 ~]#

Bem com isso finalizamos essa segunda parte do nosso artigo de atulização do Oracle RAC para com extensão do file system LVM, me desculpe pela demora e espero ter ajudado pessoal.

David Siqueira

David Siqueira

Atuando como DBA Oracle desde 2000, trabalhei em quase todos os grandes grupos de Empresas que utilizam tecnologia Oracle em São Paulo. Iniciei minhas atividades como escritor para comunidade Oracle em 2008, sou certificado nas versões 10g e 11g ( OCP) OCE RAC 10g, OCS Impementation Exadata e eleito Oracle ACE Brazil em Dezembro de 2011. Atualmente sou conselheiro técnico do G.U.O.B Brasil e atuo na área de coordenação de equipes de Infra-Estrutura e também como DBA Oracle Sênior.

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