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runcluvfy não funcionando no Windows

runcluvfy não funcionando no Windows

Olá pessoal

Gostaria de compartilhar um probleminha que tive durante a configuração de um ambiente de testes (RAC em Windows 2008), ao rodar o runcluvfy:

C:\Stage\cluvfy>runcluvfy stage -post hwos -n SERVER01, SERVER02 -verbose
  The system cannot find the path specified.
  The system cannot find the path specified.

Verificando o arquivo runcluvfy.bat, descobri que ele nada mais é que um script responsável pelas atividades de descompactação dos pacotes cvupack.zip e jrepack.zip, configuração das variáveis de ambiente CV_HOME, CV_JDKHOME e CV_DESTLOC; depois disso, ele executa o cluvfy com os parâmetros passados acima.

Mesmo analisando o script, não encontrei erros aparentes no meu ambiente que levassem a esta falha. Desta forma, eu executei manualmente os passos do runcluvfy:

  • Descompactei os pacotes cvupack.zip e jrepack.zip em um diretório de stage do servidor (C:\Stage\cluvfy);
  • Criei um diretório de stage nos dois nós,  para o aplicativo (em lugar de utilizar o c:/windows/temp) – C:\Stage\cluvfy\log;
  Volume in drive C has no label.
  Volume Serial Number is 5CC7-5883

Directory of C:\Stage\cluvfy

11/06/2012 09:53 PM <DIR> .
  11/06/2012 09:53 PM <DIR> ..
  11/06/2012 09:47 PM <DIR> cvupack
  08/26/2008 10:55 AM 2.699.537 cvupack.zip
  11/06/2012 08:08 PM <DIR> jrepack
  08/26/2008 05:30 PM 24.475.755 jrepack.zip
  11/06/2012 09:01 PM <DIR> log
  11/06/2012 08:04 PM 2.700 runcluvfy.bat
  3 File(s) 27.177.992 bytes
  5 Dir(s) 81.938.407.424 bytes free

  • Configurei as variáveis de ambiente:
set CV_HOME=C:\Stage\cluvfy\cvupack

set CV_JDKHOME=C:\Stage\cluvfy\jrepack

set CV_DESTLOC=c:\Stage\cluvfy\log

set PATH= C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Stage\cluvfy\cvupack\BIN\;C:\Stage\cluvfy\cvupack\


CV_HOME – Onde estão os binários do cluvfy;

CV_JDKHOME – Onde estão os binários do Java;

CV_DESTLOC – Opcional, onde o Oracle “trabalhará”  (se não for setado, o Oracle usará o diretório temp do servidor).

  • Chamei o cluvfy (ferramenta para executar verificações de sistema para a instalação, atualizações de patches, ou outras alterações do sistema):
cluvfy stage -post hwos -n SERVER01,SERVER02 -verbose

(onde SERVER01e SERVER02 são os meus nós do cluster).

Desta forma, deu certinho, conforme resultado abaixo:

C:\Stage\cluvfy>cluvfy stage -post hwos -n server01,server02 -verbose

Performing post-checks for hardware and operating system setup

Checking node reachability...

Check: Node reachability from node "server02"
  Destination Node Reachable?
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  server01 yes
  server02 yes
  Result: Node reachability check passed from node "server02".
  Checking user equivalence...

Check: User equivalence for user "Administrator"
  Node Name Comment
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  server02 passed
  server01 passed
  Result: User equivalence check passed for user "Administrator".

Checking node connectivity...
  Interface information for node "server02"
  Interface Name IP Address Subnet
  ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------
  Interface information for node "server01"
  Interface Name IP Address Subnet
  ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------
  Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""
  Source Destination Connected?
  ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------
  server02:PublicLAN server01:PublicLAN yes
  Result: Node connectivity check passed for subnet "" with node(s) server02,server01.

Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""
  Source Destination Connected?
  ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------
  server02:PrivateLAN server01:PrivateLAN yes
  Result: Node connectivity check passed for subnet "" with node(s) server02,server01.

Suitable interfaces for the private interconnect on subnet "":
  server02 PublicLAN:
  server01 PublicLAN:

Suitable interfaces for the private interconnect on subnet "":
  server02 PrivateLAN:
  server01 PrivateLAN:

  Could not find a suitable set of interfaces for VIPs.

Result: Node connectivity check failed.
  Checking shared storage accessibility...

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  \Device\Harddisk1\Partition1 server02 server01

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  \Device\Harddisk2\Partition1 server02 server01

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  \Device\Harddisk3\Partition1 server02 server01

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  \Device\Harddisk4\Partition1 server02 server01

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  \Device\Harddisk5\Partition1 server02 server01

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  OCRCFG server02 server01

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  VOTEDSK1 server02 server01

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  OCRMIRRORCFG server02 server01

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  VOTEDSK2 server02 server01

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  VOTEDSK3 server02 server01

Disk Partition Sharing Nodes (2 in count)
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------
  \Device\Harddisk11\Partition1 server02 server01
  Shared storage check was successful on nodes "server02,server01".

Post-check for hardware and operating system setup was unsuccessful on all the nodes.



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